

Living room is infused with warmth and harmony. Significant attention has been given to every detail, and the apartment combines harmonically tasteful elegance with practicality — it is equipped with all needed modern amenities ensuring a pleasant and very comfy stay.

Dnevni boravak je prožet toplinom i harmonijom. Značajna pažnja posvećena je svakom detalju, a apartman skladno spaja ukusnu eleganciju s praktičnošću — opremljen je svim potrebnim modernim sadržajima koji osiguravaju ugodan i vrlo udoban boravak.


Bella Vita Rijeka Luxury Apartments Number One Apartments Rijeka
Bella Vita Rijeka Luxury Apartments Number One Apartments Rijeka
Bella Vita Rijeka Luxury Apartments Number One Apartments Rijeka
Bella Vita Rijeka Luxury Apartments Number One Apartments Rijeka
Bella Vita Rijeka Luxury Apartments Number One Apartments Rijeka
Bella Vita Rijeka Luxury Apartments Number One Apartments Rijeka
Bella Vita Rijeka Luxury Apartments Number One Apartments Rijeka
Bella Vita Rijeka Luxury Apartments Number One Apartments Rijeka
Bella Vita Rijeka Luxury Apartments Number One Apartments Rijeka

If you are in Rijeka you need to see Croatian National Theatre Ivana pl.Zajca, The Governors Place. Part of the historically important pilgrimage path to the Church of Our Lady of Trsat, climbing the Petar Druzic Stairway is a must-do when walking the old city’s many pleasant lanes and alleys.Take a walking tour to City Tower, visit Saint Vitus, swim and sunvathe at Sablicevo Beach and visit all museums in Rijeka.

Ako ste u Rijeci morate vidjeti Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Ivana pl.Zajca, Guvernerovu palaču. Također morate prošetati hodočasnskom stazom do Crkve Gospe Trsatske, penjanje stubištem Petra Družića nezaobilazan je korak kada šetate brojnim ugodnim stazama i uličicama starog grada. Pješačite do Gradskog tornja, posjetite Svetog Vida, plivajte i sunčajte se na plaži Slabićevo te posjetite sve muzeje u Rijeci.


4,7 kilometres
100 metres
50 metres
30 metres
25 min by car
Bella Vita Rijeka Luxury Apartments Number One Apartments Rijeka

Number 1
Properties d.o.o.

Slavko Kojic direktor / CEO
OIB: 37436488568
Ulica hrvatskih branitelja 5, Kostrena
Mob/Viber/WhatsApp: +385 91 595 2861

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