Alexandrite Apartment


This property was built according to the design of the famous architect Luigi Lupis in the style of late classicism. It houses the oldest lift of the famous Austrian manufacturer Stigler, one of the six remaining secession lifts in Europe. This 40m2 one-bedroom apartment is situated right in the heart of Rijeka city, on the third floor of a twelve-story building dating back to 1914.

Ovu zgradu dizajnirao je poznati arhitekt Luigi Lupis u duhu kasnog klasicizma. Tu se nalazi najstariji lift poznatog austrijskog proizvođača Stiglera, a on je jedan od šest preostalih secesijskih liftova u Europi. Ovaj stančić od 40m2 s jednom spavaćom sobom nalazi se strogom centru Rijeke, na trećem katu zgrade koja datira iz 1914. godine.


Apartman blizu Korza Alexandrite
Apartman blizu Korza Alexandrite
Apartman blizu Korza Alexandrite
Apartman blizu Korza Alexandrite
Apartman blizu Korza Alexandrite
Apartman blizu Korza Alexandrite
Apartman blizu Korza Alexandrite
Apartman blizu Korza Alexandrite
Apartman blizu Korza Alexandrite

Apartment Alexandrite is located on a perfect starting point if you plan to explore Rijeka’s main attractions, like Trsat Castle, Molo Longo walkway, and Rijeka tunnel, as well as nearby tourist destinations like Opatija, Crikvenica, Kastav, Fužine Lake, Učka and Platak mountains, and Krk Island.

Maksimalno iskoristite svoj boravak u Rijeci i posjetite glavne atrakcije: Trsatsku Gradinu, šetnicu Molo Longo i riječki tunel. Predlažemo Vam i odlazak na jednodnevni izlet u obližnja turistička odredišta poput Opatije, Crikvenice, Kastva, jezera Fužine, Učke i brda Platak, te na otok Krk.



4,3 kilometres


150 metres


100 metres

100 metres
25 min by car
Apartman Alexandrite

Number 1
Properties d.o.o.

Slavko Kojic direktor / CEO
OIB: 37436488568
Ulica hrvatskih branitelja 5, Kostrena
Mob/Viber/WhatsApp: +385 91 595 2861

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